Kansas Telecommunications
Access Program (TAP)
The Kansas Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) is an equipment distribution program. The purpose of the program is to provide free specialized telephones and other telecommunications devices to Kansans with disabilities who can’t use traditional home telephones.
The equipment includes:
- CapTel
- Speaker telephones
- TTYs (text telephones)
- Telephone equipment for DeafBlind citizens
To qualify, applicants must provide proof of the following:
- Kansas resident
- Current telephone service
- Income ($55,000 gross with $3,000 for each dependent)
- Disability verification *
* To have verification of a disability, the form must be signed by an approved medical professional. For a detailed list of professionals who are authorized to sign the form, please contact the TAP.
If you need additional details about the program or would like to schedule a presentation,
visit our website at atk.ku.edu/ks-tap
For More Information, Contact:
TAP Outreach Program
– Stuart Jones, TAP Coordinator
– 866-666-1470
– 800-526-3648 (800-KAN DO IT)
Assistive Technology for Kansans (ATK)
– Sheila Simmons, ATK Coordinator
– Kansas Telecommunications Access Program
– 2601 Gabriel
– Parsons, KS 67357
– 800-526-3648 (800-KAN DO IT)
– aatkapps@ku.edu (email)
– atk.ku.edu/ks-tap (website)